foto International travel agency SANTOUR


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are glad to present company SANTOUR.

International travel agency SANTOUR has long and good history and works at the tourist market of Russia since 1993.

Company SANTOUR invites you to Russia, to open a large country, rich in traditions, history, architecture. Our company at a high professional level to organize Your trip to Russia, here is everything you need: high standards of hotels, restaurants, attentive and individual approach of our managers and guides.

We invite You! Wellcome to Russia!

SANTOUR is the owner of trademarks SANTOUR, SUNTOUR, САН-ТУР.

Our company has a network of sales office in Russia.

The company SANTOUR has direct contacts, contracts and long-term communications with partners worldwide, we will organize trips to the countries of Europe (Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic), rest in the exotic countries: Malaysia, Indonesia, Cuba, Dominican republic, Maldives, Mauritius, Jamaica, Costa Rica Seychelles, Thailand, Arab Emirates, also we offer tourist and service in Russia - package excursion programs in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, the Golden Ring, Altai, Karelia, Baikal, we will organize rest and treatment in Sochi, Anapa, Krasnodar region, alpine skiing offers on Krasnaya Polyana.

creation of information portal with the unique catalog of rounds with convenient system of navigation and a huge information resource pays attention to innovations.

Mission of the company to give to tourists pleasure of opening of the new countries, new impressions, the organization of high-quality rest.


International travel agency SANTOUR is noted by numerous international diplomas, thanks and diplomas of the government of Moscow, professional awards:

  • 1997 The diploma of the Government of Moscow For a contribution to development of the capital of Russia

  • 2003 Honourable certificate The best organization of the tourist industry of the Moscow region from the Governor of the Moscow region

  • 2003 An award ;A guiding star from the government of Moscow

  • 2004 The diploma from committee on tourism of the Moscow region
  • 2004 The diploma of the Winner travel agency of year of the international award Profession - life

  • 2004 An award For honor, valor, Creation, Mercy and the certificate of public calling
  • 2004 The diploma The best organization of the tourist industry of the Moscow region from the Governor of the Moscow region

  • 2004 The diploma from the Government of Riga For development of cultural and tourist ties Russia- Latvia

  • 2005 The certificate Moscow quality from the Moscow center of examination

  • 2006 The diploma For formation of the civilized consumer market in Russia from the Russian fund of consumer protection

  • 2006 The certificate The Best company in Russia, The best company in Moscow from the Russian fund of consumer protection

  • 2007 Gold medal National property and award Honour and advantage of the Russian program national property

  • 2007 An award A guiding star from the government of Moscow

  • 2007 The diploma The best organization of the tourist industry of the Moscow region from the Governor of the Moscow region

  • 2007 The gold award Patron and the diploma of the patron For a big contribution to good and justice from the international academy of patronage

  • 2009 The diploma For a contribution in development of Russia

  • 2013 Gratitude from the Russian competition of children's creativity in the Kremlin

  • 2014 The diploma from the Moscow international fair of travel

  • 2015 The company SANTOUR was participated in a business and tourist forum in Naples in the format B2B at the invitation of Consolato Onorario della Federazione Russa in Napoli and Camera di Commercio Italo-Russa. At the end of the forum the company SANTOUR was awarded the letter of gratitude from Consolato Onorario della Federazione Russa in Napoli.

International travel agency SAN TOUR is a member of the Moscow trade industrial chamber, member of the Russian union of the tourist industry.

Вest regards, Santour E-mail:

По информации

Поиск по сайту САН-ТУР

Популярные туры Russia offers

Добро пожаловать!

Авторские туры
по всему миру!

Огромный выбор уникальных
индивидуальных путешествий
представлен на сайте:
VIP-туры, SPA-туры, свадебные церемонии, туры на Формулу 1, организация корпоративных поездок, семинаров, конференций по всему миру; тематичесиий отдых для взрослых, морские и речные круизы, туры выходного дня, романтический отдых, путешествия по России, Новогодние туры; пляжный, эксурсионный, семейный и детский отдых.

автомобилей по всему миру,
яхт, островов,
самолетов, вертолетов

охоты, рыбалки

Обращаясь в компанию
Вы осуществите свои мечты!

Многие наши клиенты рекомендовали нас своим друзьям
и близким в качестве надежного партнера по выбору отдыха
и поддержке во время путешествий.

Мы заботимся о каждом нашем клиенте и обеспечиваем поддержку
в любой точке земного шара.


т. + 7 (985) 774-37-38
+ 7 (495) 774-37-38
+ 7 (985) 774-37-38
Часы работы

Пн - Пт: 10:00 - 19:00
Сб: 10:00 - 17:00

Согласие на обработку персональных данных

Все материалы и цены размещенные на сайте, носят информационно-справочный характер и не являются публичной офертой.

Все фотографии и видео найдены в сети интернет в свободном доступе из открытых источников и носят исключительно иллюстративный характер.

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